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General info
The presentation counts for 30% of the final grade
The presentation should be based on one of the suggested paper or paper selected by the students (with my approval)
Presentation should be between 8-10 minutes long and are followed by 3-5 minutes of questions. They should provide a big picture of the study and the main hypothesis, a quick presentation of the data, detailed explanation of analysis and results, and finally a discussion on the clarity and adequacy of the statistical analysis. If the paper is more methodological, the presentation should present a summary version of the paper and discuss what what harder to understand or not understood.
Content – 60 marks
- Introduction: Background of the general ‘big picture’ and specific problem, study system, and specific hypotheses or predictions.
- Methods: Brief outline of data collection and explanation of statistical methods used to address the hypotheses/predictions outlined in the introduction, including key assumptions.
- Results: Visualizations clearly summarizing your results, using parallel structure to methods
- Discussion: Summary of major results, alternative explanations for the observed results, conclusions/implications, future directions
Style – 30 marks
- Organization
- Clarity
- Delivery: Timing, pace, tone, articulation
- Originality: Creativity, critical thinking