Advanced statistics and Open science

This is the site for the graduate level course Bio8940 at the University of Ottawa. You will find all the course information including the course schedule, slides, course notes, practicals info and exercises, description of assessments as well as the (official) for the course.

Submission of course work is done via brighspace.

Please note that the class is bilingual. This means that any questions during the class can be asked or answered in either french or english and the prof will translate the answers if needs be. The majority of the course content (slides and course notes) are provided in english only, but explanation can be provided in either languages.


  • Julien Martin

Office hours

Meetings will be in-person or online using zoom. Check brightspace for the links

  • Julien Martin: Wednesday 1100-1200 (in-person & online)


  • Lecture: Tuesdays, 1430-1720 in VNR-1050

There are no lectures or tutorials during reading week.

Open science resources

I developed proposal and thesis templates that are 1. useable directly as Quarto a extension, 2. provide brief explanation of the expected content of each section, and 3. generate pdf documents appropriately formatted for uOttawa requirements (at least biology)

  • bio-uo-proposal quarto extension providing 1 new pdf output format (bio-uo-proposal-pdf). I am working on a docx version but tweaking the frontpage is tricky with word document.

  • bio-uo-thesis: quarto extension providing two new output formats for book projects: an html (bio-uo-thesis-html) and a pdf (bio-uo-thesis-pdf) generating a website (to be hosted on github pages or similar) and a pdf of the thesis adequately formatted for uOttawa (at least biology)

  • bio-uo-stat: quarto extension to render your Bio8940 final report as a nicely formatted PDF

Software and account requirements


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Any computer code (R, HTML, CSS, etc.) in slides and worksheets, including in slide and worksheet sources, is also licensed under MIT.