Writing dynamic and reproducible documents

An introduction to R Markdown / Quarto

Julien Martin

BIO 8940


Credit: Ignasi Bartomeus, PhD

How can you reproduce results?

What do we need to make research reproducible?

  • Something to integrate text, figures and code
    • R, Python, etc
  • Something that can be continuously edited and updated
    • Living or dynamic document
  • Something that can be easily used in versioning tools
    • Git

Quarto ?

  • multi-language, next generation version of R Markdown

  • include many new new features and capabilities

  • Like R Markdown, Quarto uses knitr to execute R code, and is therefore able to render most existing Rmd files without modification.

R Markdown workflow

Quarto workflow

Structure of a Rmd/qmd document


YAML frontmatter

Markdown content

Code chunks

Rmd/qmd document

Rmd/qmd document



YAML frontmatter

Markdown content

Code chunks

What is Markdown?

  • A way to write stuff
  • Mostly plain words, with some formating

Websites that use Markdown


  • Use # to create headers
  • Multiple #’s create lower level headers


  • Text is rendered as plain text


  • Use asterisks to make bullet points
  • Use numbers to make numbered lists
  • Use 4 spaces or 1 tab for indentation


  • Use a link preceded by an ! to insert an image
  • The link text should be
    • a URL if the image is hosted online
    • a file path if the image is saved on your computer


  • Write equations with Latex syntax

Equation blocks


| header A | header B  | header C |
| left      | center   | right    |

Table: This is a title
This is a title
header A header B header C
left center right

R Markdown Reference Guide


Knitr Code chunks


YAML frontmatter

Markdown content

Code chunks

Embed code

  • Insert chunk of R code
  • Code will run and include results.

Inline code

  • Place code in a sentence with
  • Code will be replaced with results

Chunk options

Rmd (R markdown) and qmd (quarto) differ:

  • Rmd: chunk options on one line between the {} after the r
  • qmd: either as Rmd or within the chunk with yaml style notation


```{r name, echo=FALSE}

Can lead to really long lines


#| label: name
#| echo: false

takes more vertical space but cleaner


  • echo = FALSE or #| echo: false hides code.


  • eval = FALSE or #| eval: false prevents code from being run
  • No results is displayed, only code

fig.height, fig.width

  • Specify dimension of plots (in inches) with fig.width and fig.height
  • Separate multiple arguments with commas.


  • message = FALSE or #| meassage: falseprevents messages from appearing in output

Default chunk options

  • Repeating chunk options can be painful

  • If you have echo = FALSE in every single chunk, how to set the default chunk option to echo = FALSE ?

  • Use knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

  • You may overwrite the default for each chunk

  • For chunk options, check out https://yihui.name/knitr/options/

Including tables

# cars is a built-in-to-R data set of cars and their stopping distances
cars %>%
  head(4) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "html", caption = "A kable table")
A kable table
speed dist
4 2
4 10
7 4
7 22
  • The kable package is often used with the kableExtra package
  • A number of other packages are available for making pretty tables, by far my favourite is gt using similar approach to table that ggplot has to figures

R Markdown Reference Guide


YAML: Yet Another Markup Language


YAML frontmatter

Markdown content

Code chunks

YAML in brief

  • Contains the metadata of the document

  • Starts and ends by three dashes

  • Comes first in the document

Simplest example


Output formats

Appearance and style


  • In HTML output, you can use theme or a custom .css style sheet

  • theme options (bootswatch.com) : “cerulean”, “journal”, “flatly”, “darkly”, “readable”, “spacelab”, “united”, “cosmo”, “lumen”, “paper”, “sandstone”, “simplex”, “yeti”

  • You may also use LaTeX templates with R Markdown, and write reproducible scientific paper


  • this is were Quarto is leaps beyong R markdown

  • excellent doc on the website

Managing bibliography

Reference file

  1. Put references in a plain text file with the extension .bib, in BibTex format (my advice: use Zotero and betterbibtex extension for dynamic file)
  author =        {Shea, Nicholas and Boldt, Annika},
  journal =       {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
  pages =         {186--193},
  title =         {{Supra-personal cognitive control}},
  volume =        {18},
  year =          {2014},
  doi =           {10.1016/j.tics.2014.01.006},
  1. Reference this file in your YAML header and add a csl style for formatting (browse through and download styles at zotero.org/styles)
title: "Citation test"
output: html_document
bibliography: example.bib
csl: my-style.csl 


  1. In your text, citations go inside brackets and separated by semicolons


Blah blah (Shea2014?, Lottridge2012?).

turns into this…

Blah blah (Shea et al. 2014; Lottridge et al. 2012).


  1. In your text, citations go inside brackets and separated by semicolons


Blah blah (Shea2014?, Lottridge2012?).

(Shea2014?) says blah.

Blah blah (see Shea2014?, also Wu2016?, ch. 1).

turns into this…

Blah blah (Shea et al. 2014; Lottridge et al. 2012).

Shea et al. (2014) says blah.

Blah blah (see Shea et al. 2014, 33–35; also Wu 2016, ch. 1).


For an easy way to insert citations, try the citr RStudio add-in.

If you are using Zotero, then RStudio can link directly for both Rmd and qmd files (same for VScode)

Notebook vs console in Rstudio

Notebook and console

In Rstudio, Rmarkdown file = notebook

Meaning that R output:

  • are embedded in doc
  • not available in R envir and console

If you don’t like the notebook and want the console, add to YAML header

  chunk_output_type: console



R Markdown Reference Guide


What else can we do with R Markdown/ Quarto?

Let’s have a tour

To go further

Most of what works for R markdown works for Quarto

R Markdown cookbook

R Markdown Guide

Quarto website

Happy coding